Anger Management exercise

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Anger Management exercise

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Managing Anger

The teachers  first asked the learners to share their opinion about the topic in question. Learners then suggested strategies to control anger such as breathing in and out for 10 seconds, go for a walk, squeeze a ball etc.. The teachers then showed them a short story. First we presented the emotion cards and learners had to say how Jimmy was feeling. We then presented the good moves and bad moves cards and learners had to choose a card/cards and discuss their choice. Finally learners, helped Jimmy to make friends again by using the making up cards.

The sticks technique is very useful with the Friendship Cards. Just place the cards on the floor, either just one phase or several phases at a time and ask the children to place one or more sticks on the cards that they connect too.

Ref 0100 – Share the dream Introduction to Friendship cards

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Our wish is to share friendship cards with children all over the world. Can you imagine if all children could learn communication and conflict resolution skills from the time that they are young ? The world would be a better place . This is our contribution to society, help us share it with others …. pay it forward

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